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/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, * copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary form for use * in connection with the web services and APIs provided by Facebook. * * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use of * this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and Policies * [http://developers.facebook.com/policy/]. This copyright notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // Package viewexamples provides the various views on Rell examples. package viewexamples import ( "context" "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "html/template" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "github.com/daaku/ctxerr" "github.com/daaku/go.fburl" "github.com/daaku/go.h" "github.com/daaku/go.h.ui" "github.com/daaku/go.htmlwriter" "github.com/daaku/go.static" "github.com/daaku/sortutil" "github.com/facebookgo/counting" "github.com/fbsamples/fbrell/examples" "github.com/fbsamples/fbrell/rellenv" "github.com/fbsamples/fbrell/view" ) var ( envOptions = map[string]string{ "": "Production with CDN", fburl.Production: "Production without CDN", fburl.Beta: "Beta", "latest": "Latest", "dev": "Dev", "intern": "Intern", "inyour": "In Your", "sb": "Sandbox", } viewModeOptions = map[string]string{ rellenv.Website: "Website", rellenv.PageTab: "Page Tab", rellenv.Canvas: "Canvas", } ) type Handler struct { ExampleStore *examples.Store Static *static.Handler } // Parse the Env and an Example. func (h *Handler) parse(r *http.Request) (*rellenv.Env, *examples.Example, error) { ctx := r.Context() context, err := rellenv.FromContext(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } example, err := h.ExampleStore.Load(r.URL.Path) if err != nil { return nil, nil, ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err) } return context, example, nil } func (a *Handler) List(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { ctx := r.Context() env, err := rellenv.FromContext(ctx) if err != nil { return err } _, err = h.Write(ctx, w, &examplesList{ Context: ctx, Env: env, Static: a.Static, DB: a.ExampleStore.DB, }) return err } func (a *Handler) Example(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { ctx := r.Context() env, example, err := a.parse(r) if err != nil { return err } _, err = h.Write(ctx, w, &page{ Writer: w, Request: r, Context: ctx, Env: env, Static: a.Static, Example: example, }) return err } type page struct { Writer http.ResponseWriter Request *http.Request Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Static *static.Handler Example *examples.Example } func (p *page) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { return &view.Page{ Title: p.Example.Title, Class: "main", Body: &h.Div{ Class: "container-fluid", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Div{ Class: "span8", Inner: h.Frag{ &editorTop{ Context: p.Context, Env: p.Env, Example: p.Example, }, &editorArea{ Context: p.Context, Env: p.Env, Example: p.Example, }, &editorBottom{ Context: p.Context, Env: p.Env, Example: p.Example, }, }, }, &h.Div{ Class: "span4", Inner: h.Frag{ &contextEditor{ Context: p.Context, Env: p.Env, Example: p.Example, }, &logContainer{}, }, }, }, }, &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "span12", Inner: &editorOutput{}, }, }, &JsInit{ Context: p.Context, Env: p.Env, Example: p.Example, }, }, }, }, nil } type editorTop struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (e *editorTop) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { left := h.Frag{ &h.A{ ID: "rell-login", Inner: &h.Span{ Inner: h.String(" Log In"), }, }, h.String(" "), &h.Span{ID: "auth-status-label", Inner: h.String("Status:")}, h.String(" "), &h.Span{ID: "auth-status", Inner: h.String("waiting")}, h.String(" "), &h.Span{Class: "bar", Inner: h.String("|")}, h.String(" "), &h.A{ ID: "rell-disconnect", Inner: h.String("Disconnect"), }, h.String(" "), &h.Span{Class: "bar", Inner: h.String("|")}, h.String(" "), &h.A{ ID: "rell-logout", Inner: h.String("Logout"), }, } if rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid form-inline", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Div{ Class: "span8", Inner: left, }, &h.Div{ Class: "span4", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "pull-right", Inner: &envSelector{ Context: e.Context, Env: e.Env, Example: e.Example, }, }, }, }, }, nil } return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid form-inline", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Div{ Class: "span12", Inner: left, }, }, }, nil } type editorArea struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (e *editorArea) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid", Inner: &h.Textarea{ ID: "jscode", Name: "code", Inner: &exampleContent{ Context: e.Context, Env: e.Env, Example: e.Example, }, }, }, nil } type viewModeDropdown struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (d *viewModeDropdown) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { return &h.Div{ Class: "btn-group", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Button{ Class: "btn", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-eye-open"}, h.String(" "), h.String(viewModeOptions[d.Env.ViewMode]), }, }, &h.Button{ Class: "btn dropdown-toggle", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "toggle": "dropdown", }, Inner: &h.Span{ Class: "caret", }, }, &h.Ul{ Class: "dropdown-menu", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Li{ Inner: &h.A{ Inner: h.String(viewModeOptions[rellenv.Website]), Target: "_top", HREF: d.Env.URL(d.Example.URL).String(), }, }, &h.Li{ Inner: &h.A{ Inner: h.String(viewModeOptions[rellenv.Canvas]), Target: "_top", HREF: d.Env.CanvasURL(d.Example.URL), }, }, &h.Li{ Inner: &h.A{ Inner: h.String(viewModeOptions[rellenv.PageTab]), Target: "_top", HREF: d.Env.PageTabURL(d.Example.URL), }, }, }, }, &h.Div{ Style: "display:none", Inner: &h.Input{ Type: "hidden", ID: "rell-view-mode", Name: "view-mode", Value: d.Env.ViewMode, }, }, }, }, nil } type editorBottom struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (e *editorBottom) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { runButton := &h.A{ ID: "rell-run-code", Class: "btn btn-primary", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-play icon-white"}, h.String(" Run Code"), }, } if !e.Example.AutoRun { runButton.Rel = "popover" runButton.Data = map[string]interface{}{ "title": "Click to Run", "content": "This example does not run automatically. Click this button to run it.", "placement": "top", "trigger": "manual", } } return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid form-inline", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Strong{ Class: "span4", Inner: &h.A{ HREF: e.Env.URL("/examples/").String(), Inner: h.String("Examples"), }, }, &h.Div{ Class: "span8", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "btn-toolbar pull-right", Inner: h.Frag{ &viewModeDropdown{ Context: e.Context, Env: e.Env, Example: e.Example, }, h.String(" "), &h.Div{ Class: "btn-group", Inner: runButton, }, }, }, }, }, }, nil } type editorOutput struct{} func (e *editorOutput) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { return &h.Div{Class: "row-fluid", ID: "jsroot"}, nil } type logContainer struct{} func (e *logContainer) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { return &h.Div{ ID: "log-container", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Button{ ID: "rell-log-clear", Class: "btn", Inner: h.String("Clear"), }, &h.Div{ID: "log"}, }, }, nil } type contextEditor struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (e *contextEditor) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { if !rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { return h.HiddenInputs(e.Env.Values()), nil } return &h.Div{ Class: "well form-horizontal", Inner: h.Frag{ &ui.TextInput{ Label: h.String("Application ID"), Name: "appid", Value: rellenv.FbApp(e.Context).ID(), InputClass: "input-medium", Tooltip: "Make sure the base domain in the application settings for the specified ID allows fbrell.com.", }, &ui.ToggleGroup{ Inner: h.Frag{ &ui.ToggleItem{ Name: "init", Checked: e.Env.Init, Description: h.String("Automatically initialize SDK."), Tooltip: "This controls if FB.init() is automatically called. If off, you'll need to call it in your code.", }, &ui.ToggleItem{ Name: "status", Checked: e.Env.Status, Description: h.String("Automatically trigger status ping."), Tooltip: "This controls the \"status\" parameter to FB.init.", }, &ui.ToggleItem{ Name: "frictionlessRequests", Checked: e.Env.FrictionlessRequests, Description: h.String("Enable frictionless requests."), Tooltip: "This controls the \"frictionlessRequests\" parameter to FB.init.", }, }, }, &h.Div{ Class: "form-actions", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Button{ Type: "submit", Class: "btn btn-primary", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-refresh icon-white"}, h.String(" Update"), }, }, }, }, }, }, nil } type examplesList struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env DB *examples.DB Static *static.Handler } func (l *examplesList) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { var categories h.Frag for _, category := range l.DB.Category { if !category.Hidden { categories = append(categories, &exampleCategory{ Context: l.Context, Env: l.Env, Category: category, }) } } return &view.Page{ Title: "Examples", Class: "examples", Body: &h.Div{ Class: "container", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "row", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "span12", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.H1{Inner: h.String("Examples")}, categories, }, }, }, }, }, nil } type exampleCategory struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Category *examples.Category } func (c *exampleCategory) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { var li h.Frag for _, example := range c.Category.Example { li = append(li, &h.Li{ Inner: &h.A{ HREF: c.Env.URL(example.URL).String(), Inner: h.String(example.Name), }, }) } return h.Frag{ &h.H2{Inner: h.String(c.Category.Name)}, &h.Ul{Inner: li}, }, nil } type envSelector struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (e *envSelector) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { if !rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { return nil, nil } fbEnv := rellenv.FbEnv(e.Context) frag := h.Frag{ h.HiddenInputs(url.Values{ "server": []string{fbEnv}, }), } for _, pair := range sortutil.StringMapByValue(envOptions) { if fbEnv == pair.Key { continue } ctxCopy := e.Env.Copy() ctxCopy.Env = pair.Key frag = append(frag, &h.Li{ Inner: &h.A{ Inner: h.String(pair.Value), Target: "_top", HREF: ctxCopy.ViewURL(e.Example.URL), }, }) } title := envOptions[fbEnv] if title == "" { title = fbEnv } return &h.Div{ Class: "btn-group", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Button{ Class: "btn", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-road"}, h.String(" "), h.String(title), }, }, &h.Button{ Class: "btn dropdown-toggle", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "toggle": "dropdown", }, Inner: &h.Span{ Class: "caret", }, }, &h.Ul{ Class: "dropdown-menu", Inner: frag, }, }, }, nil } type exampleContent struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (c *exampleContent) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { return c, fmt.Errorf("exampleContent.HTML is a dangerous primitive") } // Renders the example content including support for context sensitive // text substitution. func (c *exampleContent) Write(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) (int, error) { e := c.Example wwwURL := fburl.URL{ Env: rellenv.FbEnv(c.Context), } w = htmlwriter.New(w) tpl, err := template.New("example-" + e.URL).Parse(string(e.Content)) if err != nil { // if template parsing fails, we ignore it. it's probably malformed html return fmt.Fprint(w, e.Content) } countingW := counting.NewWriter(w) err = tpl.Execute(countingW, struct { Rand string // a random token RellFBNS string // the OG namespace RellURL string // local http://www.fbrell.com/ URL WwwURL string // server specific http://www.facebook.com/ URL }{ Rand: randString(10), RellFBNS: rellenv.FbApp(c.Context).Namespace(), RellURL: c.Env.AbsoluteURL("/").String(), WwwURL: wwwURL.String(), }) if err != nil { // if template execution fails, we ignore it. it's probably malformed html return fmt.Fprint(w, e.Content) } return countingW.Count(), err } // random string func randString(length int) string { i := make([]byte, length) _, err := rand.Read(i) if err != nil { log.Panicf("failed to generate randString: %s", err) } return hex.EncodeToString(i) } // Represents configuration for initializing the rell module. Sets up a couple // of globals. type JsInit struct { Context context.Context Env *rellenv.Env Example *examples.Example } func (i *JsInit) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { encodedEnv, err := json.Marshal(i.Env) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to json.Marshal context: %s", err) } encodedExample, err := json.Marshal(i.Example) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to json.Marshal example: %s", err) } return h.Frag{ &h.Script{ Src: i.Env.SdkURL(), Async: true, }, &h.Script{ Inner: h.Frag{ h.Unsafe("window.rellConfig="), h.UnsafeBytes(encodedEnv), h.Unsafe(";window.rellExample="), h.UnsafeBytes(encodedExample), }, }, }, nil }
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